Frequently Asked Questions

Who Are We?

Established in August 2018, Clean Max is the only genuine mattress-sanitizing service in Macedonia and the neighboring countries you can use safely. We take pride in using the latest world-renowned UV-C technology for sanitization of mattresses. We have chosen a certified revolutionary technology for mattress and furniture disinfection and sanitizing, and we are the first of its kind on the Macedonian market aiming to promote the highest standards of sanitization. We strive to implement this revolutionary technology and to standardize the services of hygiene maintenance not only in hotels, health care and public institutions, but also in your households.
Because we are the only ones in Macedonia who can guarantee the highest standards of hygiene and clean sleeping mattress.
Because we are the first company that has faced the challenge of killing 99.9% of all harmful germs and bacteria by disinfecting and sanitizing your mattress and furniture with the use of germicidal UV – C lamp. We are proud to have been able to help people fight asthma, breathing difficulties, allergies, skin irritation, eczema, headaches, nasal congestion, and similar ailments.
Because we genuinely care about your health. By employing the germicidal UV-C disinfection, we have introduced a safe and environmentally friendly method for killing bacteria, mold, fungi, and viruses, and we have eliminated the use of harmful chemicals.
Because we are dedicated to improving your health and your well-being by creating a better and healthier environment in your workspace or at your home, limiting the use of toxic products that do harm to your health as well as to our planet.
Our machines use the germicidal UV – C lamp that has been scientifically proven to kill up to 99.99% of all known germs and pathogens within seconds.
Ultraviolet light in the C spectrum or simply UV-C is energy-rich light with a wavelength of 200 – 400 nanometres (nm). At an optimal wavelength of 253.7nm, UV-C light penetrates the cell wall of the pathogen microorganism and the high-energy photons of the UV-C light are then absorbed by the cell proteins and DNA / RNA. UV-C damages the protein structure disrupting the metabolism of the cell, which chemically alters DNA / RNA. Now that DNA / RNA is malfunctioning, pathogen microorganisms can no longer replicate and they cannot cause disease or spoilage. This dry, environmentally friendly and chemical free process does not involve the usage of liquid, unpleasant chemicals, gasses, or toxic materials. This process is deadly for all microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, molds, yeasts and viruses, but is completely safe for human beings and pets. It only takes less than 10 minutes per mattress to get rid of all unwanted disease-causing microorganisms.

Benefits of Clean Max

Did you know that your favorite place at home, your warm bed where you spend most of your time, is a home and a favorite place of multitudes of harmful microorganisms that are to blame for plenty of serious diseases, allergies, fatigue, and even depression? These enemies, invisible to the naked eye, survive deep inside your mattress, stubbornly opposing your regular hygienic habits of changing the bedding or even using antibacterial linen.
The average person spends a third of their lives in bed, unfortunately unaware that the bed mattress houses everything from bacteria, viruses, mold, spores, dried body fluids and dust mites. But, don’t worry. We have a solution. We will make sure that none of these creatures occupies your bed anymore. To ensure you sleep in a fresh and hygienic environment, we recommend our professional cleaning services. All you need to do is book an appointment with us once every six months and we will provide a peace of mind.
Our products are completely safe for children and adults who suffer from asthma and allergies because we don’t use any toxins or poisons and we don’t employ any harmful liquids or chemicals.
And not only that; the UV-C light technology used in the Clean Max sanitization process helps to eliminate all known triggers for asthma and allergies. All the harmful bacteria, fungi and even dangerous molds that thrive in your bed mattresses also produce an array of unpleasant odors. Scientific research claims that after 10 years, dead skin, hair, sweat, urine and other body fluids represent up to 10% of the weight of a mattress, which is a potential health hazard, especially for asthma and allergy sufferers.
By destroying and removing them from your bed mattress we will create an impeccably clean sleeping environment.
  • DUST MITES. Dust mites are one of the most dangerous microorganisms that dwell in your bed. Scientific research has shown that a queen size bed contains about 5 million dust mites. Their feces is a well-known allergy trigger and the most common cause of asthma. Your bed is infested with enormous quantities of their droppings as each dust mite produces feces 20 times a day.
  • BACTERIA. Skin, mouth, genital, fecal and intestinal bacteria penetrate your mattress on a daily basis. Some of them are very harmful and may cause severe diseases.
  • DEAD SKIN CELLS AND BODY FLUIDS. We shed multitudes of dead skin cells per day and release plenty of body fluids like sweat on a daily basis. They, in combination with the warmth of your bed, in fact, create the ideal environment for development of pathogen microorganisms.
  • FUNGI. Synthetic linen as well as beddings or feather pillows may contain between 2 and 17 different fungi, which cause asthma and other types of allergies.
  • CHEMICALS. Depending on the quality and the type of your mattress or bedding, you will find that certain chemicals used in the production of your bedlinen or mattress may have harmful effects on your health. Additionally, toiletry such as lotions or skin and hair care products may adversely affect the quality of your sleep and health.
  • FOOD. We all know that the habit of eating in bed is highly discouraged because of the many microorganisms the food attracts. However, even if you avoid eating in bed, sometimes the food leftovers on your skin or clothes may cause development of microorganisms on your mattress as well.
Because our mattresses are a home to multitudes of harmful microorganisms that may have negative and adverse effects on our health. They can cause disruptions of sleep and sleeping patterns, asthma, allergies, skin irritation, nasal congestion, breathing difficulty, sore eyes, headaches, cough, sneezing, and even depression.
Yes. Our cleaning procedure is 100% dry, so your mattress can be used several minutes after the disinfection is carried out. All you need to do before our professional team pays a visit to you is to remove the bedlinen, which can be placed back on the bed right after our service is performed.

The Process of Clean Max Technology Service

UV-C technology can kill more than 99.99% of all known pathogens in a matter of seconds. This process is free of chemicals and has no side effects. It is cost efficient, highly efficient and 100% safe. Low-pressure mercury vapor lamps emit around 87% of their light energy at the 254 nm wavelength. This feature makes these lamps a very efficient source of germicidal ultra violet light. The wavelength of light that microorganisms will most readily absorb light is around 260 nm. At this wavelength parts in the strands of the genetic code contained in the DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) and/or RNA (Ribonucleic acid), which are responsible for the replication of microorganisms, are destroyed. Without the ability to divide and multiply, the organism is dead. Low-pressure mercury vapor lamps provide the majority of their light energy at the 254 nm, which means they have been designed to emit light that is aimed at direct absorption by the microorganism, which in turn leads to their destruction. In order to guarantee maximum disinfection and sanitization you need to apply the UV-C lamp on each surface for at 10-second intervals. The UV-C lamp is applied on the whole mattress as well as both sides of the mattress.
Phase One: Inspection
Prior to using the sanitizing device, you MUST ensure that the bedroom is free from bed bugs. Your standard procedures should include thorough check of all surfaces around the skirting board/carpet edging/behind side-tables and removal of the headboard.
Phase Two: HEPA vacuuming
Once the mattress is dust and mite free – you can sanitize the mattress. Low-pressure mercury vapor lamps are used for disinfection of the matress surfaces. They emit around 87% of their light energy at the 254 nm wavelength. This feature makes these lamps a very efficient source of germicidal ultra violet light. Make sure you use the lamp at 10 second intervals which is the maximum time required to ensure guaranteed sanitization. Repeat the same procedure for all the mattress surfaces.
Phase Three: UV-C Disinfection
Once the mattress is dust and mite free – you can sanitize the mattress. Low-pressure mercury vapor lamps are used for disinfection of the matress surfaces. They emit around 87% of their light energy at the 254 nm wavelength. This feature makes these lamps a very efficient source of germicidal ultra violet light. Make sure you use the lamp at 10 second intervals which is the maximum time required to ensure guaranteed sanitization. Repeat the same procedure for all the mattress surfaces.
Phase Four: Stain & Odour Remover
The air purification system is an ozone and eco-friendly system that turns your commercial and residential installation into a clean and pleasant working or dwelling environment. By employing a specialized liquid citrus solution, which is 100% natural and chemical free, it provides mountain freshness and long-lasting pleasant cleanliness.
Should you detect urine, blood, or sweat stains, you can use the eco-friendly stain removal fluid that will break down the unpleasant stains. There is no room for worries here as this fluid is free of toxic chemicals.
The process lasts several minutes depending on the size and number of furniture.
Clean Max uses high quality machines of the well-known brands Hygienitech and RemUVe that employ the UV-C germicidal lamp that destroys the DNA strands of all microorganisms, bacteria, fungi and dust mites and uses dry technology for the removal of dust mites, dead skin cells, food or chemicals .
The machines available to Clean Max in Macedonia are new on the Macedonian market; however, this technology has been available on the American, European and Asian markets since 1998, and has been a leader in the promotion residential and commercial mattress sanitization ever since .
This technology is most efficient if used once every six months . However, if you suffer from allergies or asthma, we recommend using the Clean Max services more often .